Ek en my baie siek, sterwende tannie reis na 'n onbekende bestemming. Dis vinnig en vlugtig en sonder dat ek eintlik weet hoe ek my bestemming bereik het, is ons daar. 'n Vrou wat bekend is aan my tannie neem haar na haar kamer. In my droom is my tannie blakend gesond, kan loop en lyk gelukkig en rustig. Die oomblik toe die vrou die gordyne in die kamer ooptrek, snak ek na my asem. Die vensters strek van die dak tot teen die grond en die asemrowende uitsig hier voor my oe, is net te mooi om te begryp. Onder en voor my is diep blou water wat 'n meer vorm. In die verte is die digte groen oerwoud, met die potblou hemel bo dit. Die beskrywing van die bostaande toneel is tog iets wat werklik bestaan, maar in my droom is dit onwerklik mooi en soos iets uit 'n sprokie. Opgewonde neem die vrou my na 'n balkon en daar is 'n klein roei bootjie vasgemeer met 'n anker aan die balkon se reelings. Ons klim in die bootjie. Die meer is net bedoel vir motor bote en vir seiljagte. Ek en die vrou wat verlangs bekend is aan my, roei en niemand stop ons nie. Vinnig beweeg ons deur die blou water en daar is nie 'n briesie wind nie. Dit is nie koud of warm nie. Alles is so perfek, soos dit net NIE kan wees hier op aarde nie, en ek wonder of ek droom. Ek roei en roei kilometer ver, nader aan die groen oerwoud. Dit voel of ek sweef deur die water en deur die digte groen oerwoud ingetrek word, maar dan draai ek om. Naby aan die huis waar ons tuis is, maak ek 'n verkeerde draai en is skielik tussen 'n klomp groot motor bote. Ek kry gou my pad terug, so asof ek al daar was en die omgewing ken. Terug in die huis voel ek welkom, maar ek verneem ek het nie my eie kamer nie, en slaap op 'n bank in die middel van die huis sonder 'n uitsig. My droom is klaar. Ek wil nie he dit moet ophou nie en beweeg bewustelik terug daarna om nog 'n bietjie van die sprokie te kan beleef. Tussen slaap, wakker, realiteit en sprokie beweeg ek vir 'n hele rukkie.
Die oomblik toe ek wakker word wonder ek of dit nie God se manier is om vir my te se, jy sal dit wel maak tot in My huis, maar jou lewe is van so aard dat jy nie 'n kamer met 'n uitsig gaan kry nie. My siek tannie gaan deur 'n tyd waar skadu's oor haar gedaal het en haar lig verdof het. Dit kan ook God se manier wees om 'n boodskap aan my tannie oor te dra en gerus te stel. Sy moet nie bang te wees om na haar permanente huis toe te gaan nie. Sy gaan die beste kamer met die beste uitsig kry en sy gaan welkom en tuis voel.
Ek het voorheen slegs kort aktuele paragrawe geskryf, en nou die dag, toevallig, skryf ek 'n kortverhaal. Ek het agter gekom ek geniet dit, en nou sal ek aanhou kortverhale skryf vir my eie plesier. Dit is nie moeilik vir my om my verbeelding te laat gaan nie aangesien my kop soos 'n permanente radio is. Die informasie is daar vinniger as wat ek kan tik. Ek hoop maar daar is iemand anders wat dit geniet om dit te lees soos wat ek geniet om dit te skryf.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
The Circus
Desire, seduction and pleasure is things that Angelique craves, but that's not been part of her life for some time now. After her studies in journalism her life took a unexpected turn when she joined an elite circus. She was a brilliant gymnast at school, but never thought of using this skill in her career.
She was a professional acrobat performing for mostly wealthy guests. While guests ate a 5 star meal they watched the variety show. This lifestyle was different, but exciting and mysterious. Every performance the artists and guests could clearly feel the magic in the air. To enter this world of make believe, guests were willing to pay top dollar for admission. The expensive castle like tent, with decor suited for royalty and gypsy waiters were all part of creating this special atmosphere. On entry guests received a playing card, and if you wanted your future revealed to you, you place the card face up on your table. A gypsy will come and accompany you and take you to a golden caravan inside the main tent.
Angelique's performance was one of the guests favourite acts. The magician, the brilliant Roberto made her appear out of nowhere. She was dressed like a princess, with a crown that shimmered on her head. For a while she is part of his act, but then a shiny rope appeared from nowhere and her solo acrobatic act started. She tears of her skirt, and in her white and gold leotard she looks amazingly beautiful. She loved every moment of it. The way it made her feel special, the magical mysterious energy in the air, and the applause from the guests. She felt untouchable.
The grand finale is what the guests was looking forward to. The lights dimmed, and smoke was pumped into the tent. All the guests and performers put on costume masks and the dance floor was opened to everyone. The lust, passion and desire was everywhere. Each patrons secret desire for the evening was for them to spend a passionate night with one of the performers. Patrons wanted to get pulled into the magic and mystery of the circus and become part of it. This never happened, as it was part of the strict rules to never to get involved with visitors. Performers may seduce and flirt, and then they must start disappearing of the dance floor, one by one till only the guests remain. Every body was dazzled and did not want to leave this magic. The fantasy is all over when you walked out the door of the tent. It was like the Cinderella story, and when the clock struck 12, the fantasy ends. For guests this is where it ended, until the next show.
Angelique was in her caravan waiting for the knock on her door. Only 3 months after her joining the group, she started a passionate relationship with Georgio, son of the magician. Her night in shining armour walked with a slight limp, due to a one of his dads tricks gone wrong, where an axe almost severed his leg. He had a inexplicable allure to him. After the accident he decided to leave the circus, and went to university to obtain a law degree. His dad begged him to return, but he only agreed to manage the financial side of the circus. The place and the magic made their relationship so much more passionate. The only problem was Roberto, Georgio's father. Roberto did not approve of their relationship. Although they kept it a secret, there was nothing that happened on the premises that Roberto did not know of. He was not only the main act, but also owner of the circus.
They were having this love affair for more than a year, and Roberto was getting anxious about them being in love. The more he tried to keep them apart, the more they were attracted to each other. That night she had exciting news for Georgio. She was pregnant and eager to start a normal new life with him. With her degree in journalism and his in law, life could be good and normal.
Georgio was over the moon and told his father that evening of his plans to marry Angelique and moving into a different career. His father was furious but showed no emotions. Roberto's dream was for Georgio to take over from him. He wanted the circus to stay in the family and wished to see his grandchildren follow in his footsteps. He knew Angelique's dreams was different from what he had planned for his son. He knew from the first day she joined the circus, she was not there to stay.
Angelique agreed on performing one more time. Her fans deserved a fair well performance and she felt obligated to do this for Roberto.
Angelique was performing her final act, but her mind was occupied with her new future.
A hard knot clenched tight in her stomach. There was no magic that night and the applause did not matter any more. Holding a baby in her arms and marrying her love was all that was important.
The lights was dim and smoke filled the tent to create a magical ambiance. Angelique looked even more beautiful than usual, with a special glow on her cheeks. Each movement was done with perfection. The applause was overwhelming.
Close to the end of her act, the rope snapped and Angelique ended up on the floor meters below. In Angelique's mind this happened in slow motion. This was so surreal and just not possible, was the thoughts going through her mind. The lights went out and then what felt like hours, the sound of sirens could be heard as the ambulance approached in the distance.
Angelique woke up in the hospital. There was nobody next to her bed as she opened her eyes. No flowers, no calls, no messages and no Georgio. Her parents died in a car accident and growing up in an orphanage, she had no family. Not even her friends from the circus came to visit her. She felt a severe loss, but was unable to cry.
She made a full recovery, but her heart was broken and she lost the baby. She went back to the circus to find out where Georgio was, but nobody had a clue what happened to him. Roberto refused to talk to her.
Two years later, Angelique was a shadow of the vibrant, athletic woman she use to be. Skinny, wearing no make up and looking years older, the unhappy Angelique lived a boring existence. She had nothing to live for, showed no interest in anything and working as a admin assistant at a small local newspaper. She was qualified to be the editor, but it did not matter. Without Georgio, life was not worth living. Her once glamorous life filled with magic, romance and excitement was now nothing more than a memory from the past.
One sunny afternoon, she was sitting on the stairs of the building she was working at. It was her lunch break and she was absorbing the afternoon sun. While day dreaming she saw a familiar, slightly cripple person walking up to her. Only at close range she recognizes Georgio. It was like the two years apart never happened. It was a joyous reunion and Angelique reclaimed her life. There love was as strong as ever. They kissed and the same mysterious power and attraction as always was back.
They got married on the romantic island of Santorini in Greece. They spent a blissful holiday on the breath-taking island.
The mystery around her accident and Georgio's disappearance remained an unspoken subject.
Georgio's agreed not to see his father again. Angelique was his family now.
The day after Angelique gave birth to their twin daughters, she saw a glimpse of the magician Roberto in the hall of the hospital. When she tried to follow him, he disappeared for ever and ever.
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